Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Making a comeback-/under construction

Since Blogger stopped hosting .coms it messed me up with my blog.  It was a headache to figure out how to get back to my blog, it was there, somewhere in the universe, but I couldn't get to it.  So I finally deleted (after saving my posts) and am starting over.  I know blogs are sort of the yesterday media but sometimes they communicate better than others.  So here I go again.
I will have to reconstruct the face of my blog.  I could save my posts but apparently not the design.  With the limited time I have on hand (I do have a 4 and 1 year old) I will try and get it looking all cutsie and professional again.  Thank you for your support!

To kick things off here is a bit of inspiration.  The paper is only available through the month of May but the stamps set are available through the year.
Great stuff for those Cub Scout crafts or activities.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

New and Fresh, just wish I had more time.

February 2014 kicked off and brand new catalog and brand new products.  I think I love every paper kit available I just wish I also had the time to use all of them.
Picture My Life Scrapbooking Program is a great was to keep up with the record of your life as it happens.  With 8 fresh designs the possibilities are crazy!
 Base n Bling has also been added to with chains and pendants.  So excited to have a great go to for birthdays for the sweet ladies in my life.  I can't wait!

These are only a couple of the fun items available now through July 31, 2014.